Korine is a Philadelphia based duo consisting of members Morgy Ramone and Trey Frye and we’re thrilled to announce we will release the European edition of their new album.
The pair blends new wave nostalgia, early emo and punk with a modern pop sensibility, contrasting upbeat rhythms against sullen, emotionally evocative lyrics.
Tear is the band’s third full-length and definitely their best to date.
While the style stays the same we’ve come to love, the sound is more seductive than ever, with deep bass lines resounding under throbbing synth riffs, while mechanical beats will make you dance in the dark and romantic hooks will take place in your head never to leave again, and if you’ve checked out the first excerpt Mt. Airy you know what we’re talking about.
If not, watch the official music video of new single Burn The World right now.

Tear is out worldwide on February 17.
Vinyl LP will ship in Europe starting February 28.

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